Saturday, 29 October 2016


Development of technology and intellect when reacts with the selfish attitude of people would only result in destruction. All said and done; what do we humans need? Technology to fight with others? or ability to forgive and live in peace? When advancement in science dictates deserting ethical sense; scientific temper to what avail?
Temples and pilgrimage centers are not centers of business dealings. They are such places where we sacrifice our ego and self-centered attitude. What is the point in running around temples and pilgrimage centers; without the much needed attitude of complete surrender?. Self-deception.
Blasts in religious centers occur due to the miserable failure of these centers to identify themselves with spirituality and humanity. Violence; child of hatred; grandchild of discrimination; great grandchild of partiality; great-great grandchild of selfishness.
Peace among nations shall be possible only when we understand each other mutually based on our religious outlook and uphold humanity. Even if all our military and technological might is dismantled, we would fight the other with sticks if we do not possess this understanding. Religious clashes occur due to our inability to perceive humanity.


Money is directly proportional to problems, as long as we have it; But becomes inversely proportional to problems, when we don't have it. Be simple.


Trees chopped down; Multi-storeyed buildings on cultivable lands and ponds; Road full of polluting vehicles; Global Warming and Melting Glaciers are mere indications of the myopic mentality of mankind. Development is when every citizens basic necessities are fulfilled with considerable ease and finesse; not in making luxuries as necessities.
Human Body is made up of the same five elements of the Nature. When we abuse nature and its resources; we are abusing ourselves. Simple. We are not intelligent but foolish and deluded.


Complete trust is the base for any relationship.


Treat every child like adults. Respect their behaviour. Give them a patient hearing. Ninety nine percent of child abuse issues can be prevented. Good Parenting 'tis called.


Nothing awe about Efficiency and Perfection. Proper focus and planned repetition bears perfection. Confidence matters. Simple. Best way to efficiency - Understand the process; split it into successive tasks; map requisite skill set to individual tasks; hire accordingly. Factors of Success in HR - enhance employee productivity - individual responsibility and accountability - flexible rules - work-life balance.