Friday, 17 October 2014


I cannot love my body, as I love someone else's. When I unite as one in inner consciousness; every body becomes mine. I remain in peace. This is when I transcends all feelings, thoughts... to just view the play of My SELF. Everything is predetermined.
Every action has an equal reaction. Meaning, my life today is a reaction of my past action? So, If I act today; it bears fruit tomorrow? So, My acting today is the fruit of my yesterday's action? Cycle repeats. So, what has to happen shall happen. Its just my imagination that I am performing. Correct?
So, all my feelings and thoughts are just my imaginations. a mirage. not real. Delusions. Is the logic in place?... So, we are just puppets in the hands of the supreme being. No free will. The mere thought that we have free will is MAYA. Illusion.
Aham and Mamam is MAYA. Detachment bestows peace. Detachment is not careless attitude. Detachment to fruit of actions grants a converged focus on the task performed without any distraction. Detachment grants concentration.
A focused and concentrated effort is the fruit of detachment to results. So, to stay focused in real sense; detachment becomes a prerequisite. It is to renounce the fruit of actions and to gain detachment; we need a GURU. The attitude of complete surrender to GURU is the easiest path.
Detachment lands us in such a place; where the mind is without fear and the head is held high in reverence; not ego.
Essence of detachment is the realisation of unity at substratum. Essence of unity is Adwaitham. Adwaitham Paramaartha Sathiyam. Essence of religious activity is spirituality. Essence of spirituality is humility. Essence of humility is detachment.

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