Saturday, 18 October 2014


Imagine, I possess X-Ray vision. When I look at a person who has consumed non-vegetarian food, what I get to see is the burning of the animal's corpse in the stomach.
The feeling of pain for the plant, when plucking a fruit or a vegetable is negligible compared to an animal. Plants are living beings with one sense; whereas animals have five senses. Man is supposed to have six senses. The sixth sense, so very unique to man is the sense of discrimination - hardly put to use.
Carnivorous animals are destined to consume only non-vegetarian food; Herbivorous animals are destined to consume only vegetarian food; Omnivorous creatures are destined to consume both. However all in uncooked form.
When Man, with his power of discrimination has the ability to cook the food making it more tasty and prepared; should one not be demanded to exercise astuteness in the choice of food?.

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