The divinity of temples remain intact even after so
many trials by atheists. The focus of temples is to enhance our divinity.
The substratum of Hinduism focus on individual code
of ethics and morals; than grouping people. Sandhyavandhanam, Jepam, Thavam,
Puja, Agnihotram, Aupaasanam, every activity focus on individual discipline. No
groupism. Hinduism survives and sustains on individual code of ethical and
moral conduct and values.
Even the Almighty Perumaal is always sleeping -
Yoganidra. It is called shedding the attitude of performance - Ego. In
Hinduism, there is the concept called GURU. GURU is considered at a level
higher than even GOD. Hinduism trains one to be submissive even on the face of
intense turmoil. Sandeepika. Prahalaad.
Sandeepika and Prahalaad were adored. Vishwamitra was
continuously kept in check by Vashishta; for lack of humility and
endurance. Essence of spirituality is
humility. Humility; grants endurance; grants patience; grants detachment;
grants realisation of impermanency; grants stability of mind; grants peace.
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